Across: |
1. | "You are what you ___" is a popular saying. If you ___ a lot of fish, you will swim like a fish. |
3. | ___ for joy. ___ on the trampoline. ___ into the swimming pool. ___ off the diving board. ___ up and down. |
6. | Mop the ___. Sweep the ___. I dropped my roll on the ___. The dog sleeps on the ___. |
8. | One ___, but two teeth. One foot, but two feet. |
9. | In the morning you get out of ___, and at night you get back into ___. |
10. | You push a shopping cart, but you ___ a little red wagon. |
11. | You cannot play golf without a golf ___. You cannot play tennis without a tennis ___. You cannot play base___ without a base___. |
13. | Babies ___ when they are hungry or thirsty or unhappy. They smile if they are happy. |
14. | I eat red ___s. I eat green ___s. An ___ is a fruit. An ___ is round. An ___ has seeds inside. I like ___ pie. |
16. | A dog ___s cars. A dog ___s cats. A cop ___s criminals. |
17. | I wear 2 shoes. I wear 2 ___s. I wear shoes on my feet. I wear ___s on my feet. I put on my ___s, and then I put on my shoes. |